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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Concluding Unscientific Postscript" by Soren Kierkegaard,1846

The subjective thinker is an engaged thinker,
one who by his activity commits himself
to an understanding of the truth which,
by the manner of his existence,he is ;
he seeks to comprehend himself,not as an abstraction,
but as an ethically engaged,existing subject.
Only individuals matter ; existence is individual in character.
An existent individual is one in the process of becoming ;
he moves into an uncertain future.
Since death is imminent every choise has infinite worth,
and every moment is a unique occasion for decisive action ;
each individual achieves has being through decision.
In his development the thinker may pass through
a.the aesthetical stage
-in which he experiments but does not commit himself-,
b.the ethical stage
-in which he acts decisively and commits himself-, the religious stage
-in which his sin is acknowledge and he commits himself to God-.

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