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Monday, June 29, 2009

"Creative Evolution" by Henri Bergson,1906


The attempt to understand the self by analysing it in terms of static concepts

must fail to reveal the dynamic,changing character of the self.


There is an interesting force that shows itself in living things,

an 'elan vital that has endured through the ages,

accounting for the creative evolution of life and of instinct and intilligence in living things.


Instinct is limited in that althought it grasps the fluid nature of living things,

it is limited to the individual ;

but intellect is limited in that although it constructs general truths,

it imposes upon life the static character of concepts.


But by the capacity of intuition,

a disinterested and self-conscious instinct,

a kind of knowledge is made possible which is superiore to that

provided by either instinct or intellect working separately.


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