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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Middle Way

More wise,Licinius,are such
as not too holdly tempt the deep,
nor,fearing tempests overmuch,
among the unsafe shallows creep.
Whoso the golden mean ensues
will safely shun the loved grim
nor such pretentious palace choose
that lesser men need envy him.
On taller trees the storm-winds wreak
more fury : with more grievous crash
tall turrets fall : the mountain peak
draws down the lurid lightning flash.
In hardship Hope,in fortune Fear
to tempered minds foreshadow change :
fur Jove,who sends the winter drear,
sends springtime soon : and all things range.
Twixt ill and good : no ill endures ;
anan Apollo's arrows cease
from troubling,and his lure allures
sweet music from the silences.
In storms be resolute,and show
courage as in a passing gale :
no less,when winds too kindly blow,
be wise,and reef that swelling sail !

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