To sum up the argument,
all things are foreshown and all events are brought into being by causes,
which are of two kinds :
there are some things which are caused by the SOUL
and others which result from other causes,those of the surrounding ENVIRONMENT.
The actions of the souls may result from their OWN MOTION
and in accordance with sound reason ;
that is when they do their OWN PROPER WORK.
But when they are hindered from their own proper action,
they do not act but rather suffer.
So that the causes which prevent the soul from thinking lie outside the soul,
and perhaps one ought to say that this takes place in accordance with FATE -or DESTINY-,
that is,
if one holds that destiny is a cause external to ourselves.
But the BEST ACTIONS are those which SPRING from WITHIN OURSELVES.
We are our real selves when we are alone.
The wise and the good perform wise and good acts by themselves.
The others,do good deeds,
when they can catch their breath
-or when the passions are in abeyance-,
but not because they draw these wise thoughts from outside themselves,
when-ever they do think wisely,
but simply because they are for the moment unhindered by obstacles.
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