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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Piety of Initiates

But these are nothing.Thou,O pious mystes,
Dost hide,within that secret inmost shrine
of thy pure heart,what holy initiates know,
honoring the manifold majesty of God.
Thy spouse thou takest for fellow in the prayer
at every sacrifice ; she truly shares
with thee all mysteries in heaven and earth.
Shall I recount thine honors,or thy power,
or those rich joys that all men long to gain ?
All these were ever fleeting,in thine eyes ;
the body priestly fillet was thy crown.
Belov'd,by virtue of teaching thou
hast set me free from this fell lot of death !
For pure and chaste,was I when thou
unto the temple leddest me,and to the gods
devoted me their servant,guiding me,
a full initiate in the holy rite
as priestess of the Mother of the Gods
and Attis ; so thou honoredst me as spouse
through the red sacrament,the blood of bull,
and taught me that deep threefold mystery
of Hecat,yea,and made me worthy e'en
to share Demeter's blessed age-old rites.

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