The problem concerning the Athenian Stranger and Socrates is that
of defining the IDEAL STATESMAN.
The statesman,or king,
is a member of the class of those who direct action ;
he initiates directives ;
and he is distinguished from those who build LIFELESS things
by the fact that his concern is with a living herd,
The art of statesmanship is not a function of the kind of state to be governed ;
a good statesman can rule no matter what the form of government.
Laws are necessary in a state,
but the ruler is more important than the laws ;
in many cases he must judge when the laws do not apply.
The statesman is superior to other men who practice the various arts of ruling men in that
he must decide which of the other arts is to be used for the benefit of the state ;
in that sense,statesmanship is the art of all arts.
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