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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why sins are not punished at once

But if neither for these sins nor for others the punishment follows directly on the offence,
we must not be surprised,
because not only are there spirits that punish souls,
but also the soul brings itself to judgment,
and because,
since souls survive through eternity,they ought not in a short time to bear all their chastisement,
and because there must be human virtue ;
for if punishments followed directly on offences,
men would do right from fear and would not have virtue.
Souls are punished after leaving the body,
some wandering here,others to hot or cold places in the earth,
others being tormented by spirits ;
all these things they endure together with the unreasonable soul,
in whose company they sinned ;
because of this the shadowy form seen about tombs,
especially of evil livers,
comes into being.

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