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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Metaphysics by Aristotle

True knowledge is the knowledge of ultimate causes.
There are four types of causes :
a.the formal cause -a plan or type ;
b.the final cause -a purpose ;
c.the material cause -matter,that which is used ; and
d.the efficient cause -that which initiates change.
The study of being as being involves the attempt to discover first principles of explanation.
The individual thing to which properties belong is the only true substance ;
substances are subjects,but never predicates.
Since properties attach themselves to individuals of a certain kind,
the kind may also be called ''substance'' ;
thus,the essence of a thing is,in this sense,its substance.
Matter is potentiality,the capacity to be something ;
matter is unlimited which is able to be limited by form;
when matter is limited by form,there is actuality.
Forms,or universals,exist only in things.
The process of change cannot go on to infinity ;
there must be an unmoved first mover which is eternal substance and actuality ;
such a first mover is good ;
it is divine thought thinking only of thought.

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