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Sunday, October 11, 2009

"The Advancement of Learning" by Francis Bacon

Scholars should free thenselves from bondage to the past ;
Europeans should cease being awed by the accomplishments of Greece and Rome.
Practical investigation should be emphasized,
and scholars should cease wasting their time with vain speculations.
Modern history should be studied with as much enthusiasm as ancient,
and there is a need for new sciences :
a science to study races in relation to climate,geography,and natural resources ;
a science of education,
a history of mechanics,
and sciences having to do with business and diplomacy.
Scientific invention is encouraged by attention to negative instances and to exceptions to rules ;
calendars of doubts and problems should be kept,
and nature should be studeied inductively,not deductively.
Human learning has three main parts corresponding to the three capacities of human understanding :
history,based on memory ;
poesy,based on the imagination ;
and philosophy,based on reason.

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