- A brief account of the history of logic, from the The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (edited by Ted Honderich), OUP 1997, 497-500.
- A biography of Peter Abelard, published in the Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol. 115, edited by Jeremiah Hackett, Detroit: Gale Publishing, 3-15.
- Philosophy in the Latin Christian West, 750-1050, in A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages, edited by Jorge Gracia and Tim Noone, Blackwell 2003, 32-35.
- Ockham wielding his razor!
- Review of The Beatles Anthology, Chronicle Books 2000 (367pp).
- A brief discussion note about Susan James, Passion and Action: The Emotions in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy.
- Review of St. Thomas Aquinas by Ralph McInerny, University of Notre Dame Press 1982 (172pp). From International Philosophical Quarterly23 (1983), 227-229.
- Review of William Heytesbury on Maxima and Minima by John Longeway, D.Reidel 1984 (x+201pp). From The Philosophical Review 96 (1987), 146-149.
- Review of That Most Subtle Question by D. P. Henry, Manchester University Press 1984 (xviii+337pp). From The Philosophical Review 96 (1987), 149-152.
- Review of Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Ages by Jorge Gracia, Catholic University of America Press 1984 (303pp). From The Philosophical Review 97 (1988), 564-567.
- Review of Introduction to Medieval Logic by Alexander Broadie, OUP 1987 (vi+150pp). From The Philosophical Review 99 (1990), 299-302.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Moral Science,Moral Development,Conventional Morality vs Natural Morality
Moral Development : http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/genpsymoraldev.html
Conventional Morality : http://www.lotsofessays.com/essay_search/conventional_morality.html
Natural Morality : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_morality
‘Natural law theory’ is a label that has been applied to theories of ethics, theories of politics, theories of civil law, and theories of religious morality. We will be concerned only with natural law theories of ethics: while such views arguably have some interesting implications for law, politics, and religious morality, these implications will not be our focus here.
This article has two central objectives. First, it aims to identify the defining features of natural law moral theory. Second, it aims to identify some of the main theoretical options that natural law theorists face in formulating a precise view within the constraints set by these defining features and some of the difficulties for each of these options. It will not, however, attempt to recount the history of the development of natural law thought. (For a very helpful detailed history of natural law thought up to the beginning of the modern period, see Crowe 1977. For a very helpful detailed history of natural law thought in the modern period, see Haakonssen 1996. For an article-length recap of the entire history of natural law thought, see Haakonssen 1992.)
1. Key Features of Natural Law Theories
1.1 Natural law and divine providence
1.2 Natural law and practical rationality
1.3 The substance of the natural law view
1.4 Paradigmatic and nonparadigmatic natural law theories
2. Theoretical Options for Natural Law Theorists
2.1 Natural goodness
2.2 Knowledge of the basic goods
2.3 The catalog of basic goods
2.4 From the good to the right
Other Internet Resources
Related Entries
Conventional Morality versus Natural Morality : http://www.ex-cult.org/fwbo/ConvNat.htm
'What we do affects those around us and it is a mark of the individual that he accepts responsibility for the consequences of his own actions. No longer does he blame outside forces for his own fortunes and misfortunes, no longer does he blindly and wilfully try to impose himself, childlike, upon the world: he has developed an ethical sense, an awareness that actions have consequences.
'This ethical sense is inner and natural, in complete contrast to morality imposed by convention or by authority. Conventional morality is a matter of local custom and differs, often drastically, from area to area and from age to age. The enormous variations worldwide in what is acceptable behaviour in sexual matters are sufficient illustration of this. Conformity with conventional morality is guaranteed by fear of social ostracism. Though anyone who has developed real individuality may find it prudent at times to conform to conventional morality, for it is often enforced by law, fear of social disapproval cannot be among his ethical determinants.
'Moralities which depend on the commandments of a God also cannot guide the individual. Here the moral code is cast as 'Thou shalt not'. The main reason for obeying is fear of the consequences of disobedience. Western morality has, until quite recently, been almost entirely based on fear, in the first place of God's judgment and consequent damnation, and secondly of the temporal judgments of Church courts, godly magistrates, and even Inquisition. The characteristic moral emotion here is guilt and irrational fear of divine disapproval. Such guilt and fear linger on even in the minds of those who have never been even nominal Christians.
'A morality which relies upon external sanction is not real morality. Such pseudo-morality relieves the individual of responsibility. 'Not my will, but thine' can lead to the most extreme inhumanity and cruelty. The blood which stains the hands of many followers of the world's theistic religions is evidence of the ease with which they can shrug off all human feeling.
'Natural morality does not try to impose moral absolutes onto all behaviour. The words 'good' and 'bad' have no place in the vocabulary of real ethics. More suitable terms of ethical evaluation are morally 'skilful' and 'unskilful'. A skilful action requires an intelligent and practical awareness. No moral rulebook can lay down how to be skilful. Skilfulness depends on an appraisal of the particular situation and the likely outcome of any action for oneself as well as for those whom it will affect. Moral action is, then, a craft, a skill which is learnt by practice and persistence. Mistakes, perhaps many of them, will be made but each one provides its lessons in how best to act.
'Awareness is not a cold and abstract quality, and skill implies not only clarity but warmth. Skilful actions proceed from positive healthy mental states - states of generosity, of friendliness, and of clear mindedness. Unskilful actions have at their root negative unwholesome mental states - neurotic craving, ill will, and blind stupidity. It is the mental state which determines the ethical character of an action.
'Every situation is new and every person is unique. It may well be that what is skilful for one person is not for another. �'
'Buddhism for Today', by Subhuti, pub FWBO/Windhorse 1983 rev. 1988, P 73-74 ISBN 0-904766-34-9.
'We have already seen that Buddhist ethics is entirely cast in terms of skill. There are no absolute moral values, and each person must learn by his own experience how best to act.' ibid. p 180
The upshot of this natural morality idea is that that the FWBO leadership (the Preceptors and senior order members) see themselves as morally unaccountable to any outside authority. Following their own self-defined and self-serving 'natural morality', they see themselves as acting skilfully, and are contemptuous of their critics:
'We are revolutionary in many aspects. We are critical of the nuclear family, of [hetero or long term]sexual relationships, of theistic religions, of conventional morality. ... The Guardian was only the first mild attack on us. More and nastier attacks will follow by those who cherish the rotten institutions we criticize.'Ratnotarra, Shabda Feb 1998
At times, FWBO members seem to see themselves as morally above the law:
'Do you think the general public understands the first thing about Buddhist values and ethics? Generally in England the morals are protestant. � There's no way that any Buddhist should be called to account for themselves on anything other than Buddhist terms. �
Conventional Morality : http://www.lotsofessays.com/essay_search/conventional_morality.html
Natural Morality : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_morality
‘Natural law theory’ is a label that has been applied to theories of ethics, theories of politics, theories of civil law, and theories of religious morality. We will be concerned only with natural law theories of ethics: while such views arguably have some interesting implications for law, politics, and religious morality, these implications will not be our focus here.
This article has two central objectives. First, it aims to identify the defining features of natural law moral theory. Second, it aims to identify some of the main theoretical options that natural law theorists face in formulating a precise view within the constraints set by these defining features and some of the difficulties for each of these options. It will not, however, attempt to recount the history of the development of natural law thought. (For a very helpful detailed history of natural law thought up to the beginning of the modern period, see Crowe 1977. For a very helpful detailed history of natural law thought in the modern period, see Haakonssen 1996. For an article-length recap of the entire history of natural law thought, see Haakonssen 1992.)
1. Key Features of Natural Law Theories
1.1 Natural law and divine providence
1.2 Natural law and practical rationality
1.3 The substance of the natural law view
1.4 Paradigmatic and nonparadigmatic natural law theories
2. Theoretical Options for Natural Law Theorists
2.1 Natural goodness
2.2 Knowledge of the basic goods
2.3 The catalog of basic goods
2.4 From the good to the right
Other Internet Resources
Related Entries
Conventional Morality versus Natural Morality : http://www.ex-cult.org/fwbo/ConvNat.htm
'What we do affects those around us and it is a mark of the individual that he accepts responsibility for the consequences of his own actions. No longer does he blame outside forces for his own fortunes and misfortunes, no longer does he blindly and wilfully try to impose himself, childlike, upon the world: he has developed an ethical sense, an awareness that actions have consequences.
'This ethical sense is inner and natural, in complete contrast to morality imposed by convention or by authority. Conventional morality is a matter of local custom and differs, often drastically, from area to area and from age to age. The enormous variations worldwide in what is acceptable behaviour in sexual matters are sufficient illustration of this. Conformity with conventional morality is guaranteed by fear of social ostracism. Though anyone who has developed real individuality may find it prudent at times to conform to conventional morality, for it is often enforced by law, fear of social disapproval cannot be among his ethical determinants.
'Moralities which depend on the commandments of a God also cannot guide the individual. Here the moral code is cast as 'Thou shalt not'. The main reason for obeying is fear of the consequences of disobedience. Western morality has, until quite recently, been almost entirely based on fear, in the first place of God's judgment and consequent damnation, and secondly of the temporal judgments of Church courts, godly magistrates, and even Inquisition. The characteristic moral emotion here is guilt and irrational fear of divine disapproval. Such guilt and fear linger on even in the minds of those who have never been even nominal Christians.
'A morality which relies upon external sanction is not real morality. Such pseudo-morality relieves the individual of responsibility. 'Not my will, but thine' can lead to the most extreme inhumanity and cruelty. The blood which stains the hands of many followers of the world's theistic religions is evidence of the ease with which they can shrug off all human feeling.
'Natural morality does not try to impose moral absolutes onto all behaviour. The words 'good' and 'bad' have no place in the vocabulary of real ethics. More suitable terms of ethical evaluation are morally 'skilful' and 'unskilful'. A skilful action requires an intelligent and practical awareness. No moral rulebook can lay down how to be skilful. Skilfulness depends on an appraisal of the particular situation and the likely outcome of any action for oneself as well as for those whom it will affect. Moral action is, then, a craft, a skill which is learnt by practice and persistence. Mistakes, perhaps many of them, will be made but each one provides its lessons in how best to act.
'Awareness is not a cold and abstract quality, and skill implies not only clarity but warmth. Skilful actions proceed from positive healthy mental states - states of generosity, of friendliness, and of clear mindedness. Unskilful actions have at their root negative unwholesome mental states - neurotic craving, ill will, and blind stupidity. It is the mental state which determines the ethical character of an action.
'Every situation is new and every person is unique. It may well be that what is skilful for one person is not for another. �'
'Buddhism for Today', by Subhuti, pub FWBO/Windhorse 1983 rev. 1988, P 73-74 ISBN 0-904766-34-9.
'We have already seen that Buddhist ethics is entirely cast in terms of skill. There are no absolute moral values, and each person must learn by his own experience how best to act.' ibid. p 180
The upshot of this natural morality idea is that that the FWBO leadership (the Preceptors and senior order members) see themselves as morally unaccountable to any outside authority. Following their own self-defined and self-serving 'natural morality', they see themselves as acting skilfully, and are contemptuous of their critics:
'We are revolutionary in many aspects. We are critical of the nuclear family, of [hetero or long term]sexual relationships, of theistic religions, of conventional morality. ... The Guardian was only the first mild attack on us. More and nastier attacks will follow by those who cherish the rotten institutions we criticize.'Ratnotarra, Shabda Feb 1998
At times, FWBO members seem to see themselves as morally above the law:
'Do you think the general public understands the first thing about Buddhist values and ethics? Generally in England the morals are protestant. � There's no way that any Buddhist should be called to account for themselves on anything other than Buddhist terms. �
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