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Friday, October 9, 2009

Seven is everywhere. There are seven days of Sukkot. On the last day of Sukkot we make 7 circuits around the synagogue. We are currently in the 7th millennium of Biblical history since Adam. Each day of Sukkot represents another millennium. On Sukkot we carry 1 palm branch, 1 citron, 2 willow branches and 3 myrtle branches, which totals 7 items.Kabbalistic tradition continues the pattern by introducing the 7 guests into the Sukkah. These are the three patriarchs, Abraham Isaac and Jacob, Joseph, the two brothers Moses and Aaron, and King David, the last of which represents the unity of heaven on Earth.Every day of Sukkot features another guest's day to lead the other six. Here's the kicker though. I don't really know what any of this means. All I know is that it keeps appearing and reappearing, and not just in Sukkot.Passover is also 7 days. 7 weeks later, Pentacost is celebrated (Shavuot). The biblical calendar goes in a 7 year cycle. Every 7 cycles is a Jubilee year. The week is 7 days. Are there any more? God promises to multiply punishments by 7 if the Jews don't follow his commandments. Cain is promised by God that anyone who harms him will be punshed 70 fold. Moses picks out 70 elders for a court. 70 is the number of the original Israelite family incluidng Jacob and all his descendants who go down to Egypt. David dies at 70. Seven, in Hebrew, is Sheva. They are essentially the same words. Sheva also means an oath. An oath possibly fulfilled in the 7th millennium? The seven theme has also leaked into Jewish art. An example of this, which you can actually use to decorate your Sukkah with (wouldn't be a bad idea) is the Seven blessings hanging ornament.The Pewter Seven Blessings is a unique home decor piece. It is decorated with Swarovski Crystals, brass and copper accents, beads and hanging leaf charms.The Seven Blessings includes the Hebrew words for: Grace, Love, Joy, Success, Good Fortune, Health and Fertility

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