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Thursday, November 26, 2009

"Collected Essays" by Thomas Henry Huxley,1893

Not only has science had practical benefits,
but also it has brought about a revolution in man's conception of man and of his place in the universe.
Education is learning the rules of the game of life ;
the educated man possesses skills,
a trained intellect,and knowledge of facts ;
but he is no ascetic.
There is but one kind of knowledge,and that is to be found in the verifiable conclusions of the natural sciences.
Although all life has a protoplasmatic basis,
it is an error to conclude that materialism is superior to spiritualism ;
the fact is that both theories involve empty and unverifiable conceptions.
It is wrong for a man to say that he is certain of the truth of a proposition unless he can produce evidence,and it is wrong to demand belief from others when evidence is not available to substantiate the belief.
Nature is nonmoral ;
to make progress man cannot count on evolutionary processes ;
he must use his best energies and his intelligence.

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