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Thursday, November 19, 2009

"Course on the positive philosophy" by Auguste Comte,1830

Social dynamics is the science of history ;
the positive philosophy provides a law of three stages to make historical facts significant.
In the theological stage of a society,
men invent gods and arrange society accordingly : the priests rule.
In the metaphysical stage,
intellect deifies itself,
authority is challenged,
religion becomes sectarian,
and individuals abandon their social responsibilities.
In the positive stage,
the positive sciences provide certainties which make order possible,
inspire a moral regeneration,
and make social concerns primary for all.
Sociology completes the body of philosophy by tracing out the unity to be found in the various sciences.
The natural sciences,like the societies of men,and like men themselves,have passed through the theological,metaphysical,and positive stages.
The various sciences can be arranged according to their degree of complexity and their dependence on others ; beginning with the most general (after mathematics,which is not a natural science),the order is :

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