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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Dialogues concerning natural religion" by David Hume,1779

The argument from design is an argument which attempts to prove God's existence on the basis of signs of adaptability in nature,but it is an unsatisfactory argument because,although plausible,it does not demonstrate with logical certainty the truth of the claim that the universe was designed.
Furthermore,if we try to deduce the nature of God from the characteristics of nature regarded as his handwork,God must be finite,imperfect,incompetent,and dependent.
It is possible that order in nature is the result of a natural generative process.
A priori arguments designed to prove God's existence are inconclusive and establish only that something,not necessarily God,may have been a first cause.
Although the cause of order in the universe probably bears some resemblance to human intelligence,nothing can be concluded concerning the moral character of such a cause.

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