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Monday, November 2, 2009

"The New Science" by Giovanni Battista Vico,1725

The only way to know man is in terms of his own creations -
The new science consists of
a.reasoning -philosophy- and
b.investigation -philology,considered as the empirical study of language,history and literature-.
After the Deluge the world was dominated by giants ;
the giants lived like wild animals until storms turned their eyes toward heaven and led them to invent gods ;
this is the origin of religion.
Because of his fear of the gods man became ashamed of himself ;
in acting accordingly he created morality.
The practice of burying the dead,undertaken for sanitary reasons,
led to the belief in the immortality of the soul.
All cultures must pass through three stages :
a.the age of gods,
b.the age of heroes,and
c.the age of men.
Corresponding to these stages are
three kinds of customs,
three kinds of laws,

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