Ethical disagreements usually involve both
disagreement in belief and
disagreement in attitude,
but disagreement in attitude is the distinctive element in ethical disputes.
The judgment "This is good" usually functions both as the expression of an attitude and as an injunction ; it is roughly equivalent to,
"I approve of this ; do so as well".
Ethical judgments are justified by the submission of reasons for acting ;
if the reasons do not appeal to the persons to whom they are addressed,
and if there is no disagreement in belief,nothing can be done by the use of reasons.
No one explanation of the function of such a word as "good" is possible ;
emotive meanings are not so much defined as characterized,
and they vary according to the context.
"This is good",according to a second pattern of analysis.
means that the object has a particular set of qualities or relations in virtue of which the speaker approves of the object ;
the hearer tends to be encouraged to approve also.
-Such a definition is normally persuasive ;
it alters descriptive meanings in order to redirect attitudes-.
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