Thought aims at truth.
The activity of thinking and the object of thinking cannot be considered separately.
The test of truth,
the nature of truth,
and reality itself can all be understood by reference to coherence.
Reality is the coherent perfection of partially realized thoughts in finite minds.
(The view that mind is an autonomous realm and that thought has no other goal than truth impressed itself on him before he knew that this lay in the great tradition of Plato and Hegel,and that it had been fully worked out by Bradley,Bosanquet,and Royce.
In Hegelian fashion,Blanshard has tried to find some truth in every point of view.Making no great claims to originality,he has developed his thesis largely in terms of other men's statements.But he is no mere eclectic.From the opening sentence his thesis is clear and emphatic : "Thought is that activity of the mind which aims directly at truth".And the exposition,while ample and gracious,is straightforward and direct,reflecting the author's resolution to bring down to earth and make practical a mode of thinking which renowned philosophers have often been content to leave Olympian heights.)
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