Images and symbols are not the objects they refer to ;
objects exist independently of symbols,
and symbols have meaning only because selves endow them with meanings.
In conceiving individual things we may be led,
by our knowledge of the respects in which they are similar,
to use the same concept for them ;
Platonism and Nominalism are indefensible extreme positions.
Rationalism concerns itself with the characters of things at the expense of the independent existence of things.
A true judgment corresponds to objects in the sense that the objects may be as the judgment describes them as being.
Causation is an objective relation ;
there are substantial,physical objects which are causal factors in the order of nature.
New realism -realism without dualism- has difficulty accounting for illusions and memory ; critical realism,which asserts the independent existence of ontological objects distinct from the epistemological objects by which the former are known,is preferable.
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