Only a philosophy of organism can describe a universe in which process,creativity,
and interdependence are disclosed in immediate experience.
Philosophy involves generalization from the concrete particulars we know to universals;
it aims at a description of the dynamic process which is reality.
A philosophical system should be logically consistent and coherent,
and it should be grounded in immediate experience.
The categories of this philosophy of organism are :
a.the category of the ultimate -creativity-,
b.the categories of existence -actual entities,prehensions,nexus,subjective forms,eternal objects,propositions,multiplicities,and contracts-,
c.the categories of explanation -27 in number-,and
d.the categories of obligation -9 in number-.
Everything but God is an actual entity occasioned by something ;
but God,although an actual entity,is not an actual occasion.
Every events in the creative,
interdependent process is qualified by past,present,and future.
Process in reality is a creative advance in which feelings are integrated,
actual occasions grow together toward a final phase of satisfaction,
and God is conditioned by,the reciprocally affects,
events in the temporal world.
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