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Thursday, January 20, 2011



We all affect others anyway. Why not affect them profoundly?
Here are 10 proven ways to do this, all of which will make
you a lot more attractive to others and to yourself.

1. Listen for and point out the special gifts, traits or
talents of the other person.Most people are listening for
what they need from the other person. When you're listening
for what's special or unique about a person -- and point
it out -- you'll very much affect them positively, with
very, very little effort on your part. What if you did
this during every conversation you had for the rest of
your life? Hmm, sounds pretty attractive to me.

2. Listen and respond-in-kind to the underlying emotion
of the other person. Facts and information are valuable,
but are rarely profound. What is profound is people,
emotions and concepts. Next time you're listening to
your child, client or friend, feel what they are feeling
and respond in kind to that, instead of just to what they
are saying. Feelings are the fastest way to the person's heart.

3. Deliver nuggets/messages that can be remembered and
retransmitted. There is something called memes, which are
basically the idea-equivalent of genes. Read Richard Brodie's
book "Virus of the Mind" for the complete story. But the
idea is that when you can package information, concepts
or truth into nugget-sized packages, they don't only land
easily on the person you're talking to, but that person
can pass them on to others easily, like a virus. Virus, get
it? The biggest thing in life right now is the competition
between memes and genes. (By the way, memes will win because
they can mutate and retransmit millions of times faster
than genes can.) So, become memetically attractive.
In other words, have simple, worthwhile, intriguing
things to say. It's as simple as that.

4. Have so accepted and endorsed your worst weaknesses
that others feel safe around you. A lot of attraction
works without you having to 'work it.' It happens by
itself, behind the scenes. And one of the ways to profoundly
affect others is to be so 'overyourself' that they, too, can
get over themselves. We're all gripped by eye-popping fears
and compelling desires, but when you've reached that place
in life where you aren't affected by any of this stuff -- because you've fully accepted your humanness,
faults AND talents, then others can have the same experience
of themselves. It's magical. And profoundly attractive.

5. Open up new worlds for people, in their thinking, feeling
or other words, pull the rug out from folks
whenever you can, but quickly give them a new chair to plop
into on their way down. You can draw a missing distinction,
question an antiquated assumption, challenge a strongly-held
belief, plant a seed ofa different crop, ask a strong
inquiry-type question or give them words to express
what they are barely able to sense. Okay, so that's a
lot to learn if the abovecommunication skills are new
to you. But, boy are they fun!

6. Show others how to experience better what they
already have.
The point of unhooking yourself from the future and
focusing more on today is madeelsewhere in one of the
Attraction Principles. But that principle is the parent
of this one -- to show others how to better use and
make more of what they already have,whether it be a
problem or a gift. Most folks are so future oriented
that they missout on the opportunities staring right
at them in the present. Be their eyes and ears
for a minute and help them see the value of
what's already all around them.

7. Remind people who they are instead of just
complimenting them on what they've done.
Praise and acknowledgment is nice, but that's a bit
like telling your dog that histail wags really well.
Huh? The idea here is to focus on the person behind the
accomplishment or problem. It's the fundamental distinction
of who vs what. When you help the person get more in touch
with the who (they are), they'll produce better whats.
If you focus primarily on the whats, you'll soon be expecting the tail to wag
the dog.

8. Give people something meaningful to do.
I don't understand why, but most people are pretty bored.
They are waitingfor something interesting and meaningful
to do. It seems that most people are beingdrugged by
television, thus live in a sort of an excited stupor,
if that's possible.So, if you're someone who is up to
something and are willing to include people in on
your game or project, most people will get meaning from
that -- from being asked to play, but also by the game
itself and the people they meet along the way. If you're
working on a project, OPEN IT UP and profoundly affect a
lot of other people. It's a perfect path to attraction.

9. Give people the tools they need to improve and evolve.
The beginning of my evolving to computers happened in
1987 when the MIS directorwhere I worked said he had
an extra copy of Lotus 1-2-3 and asked if I wanted it.
I barely knew that I should want it, but I faked a
resounding 'Sure!' That single event changed my life
forever and it took him about 10 seconds. He offered
me a tool that,for some reason, he felt would help me.
And it opened up a new world for me eventhough I no
longer use Lotus 1-2-3, or even a spreadsheet!
What tools do youcurrently have available to
you that would profoundly affect others?
Share all them.

10. Don't try to profoundly affect others.
Okay, I had to toss this one in here. The idea is that
the objective here is not toprofoundly affect others.
Because that'll get you into trouble, especially when they
don't want to be profoundly affected. "Get away from me!"
they'll shriek. You get the picture. However, what you
can do is to care for others and share the above stuff
with those who want it. That way, 'profoundly affecting'
others won'tbecome your cause, banner or reason for living.
That would be pretty unattractive.

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