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Thursday, November 19, 2009

"Monadology" by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz,1714

Monads are the elements of all things ;
they are simple substances,created all at once out of nothing ;
they can neither be altered in quality nor changed internally by any other created thing.
No two monads are perfectly alike ;
for every individual monad there is some internal difference which accounts for its particular nature.
Perception and apperception are the two chief types of activities by which monads exhibit their natures.
Men are distinguished from the animals by their knowledge of necessary and eternal truths ; man reasons according to the principles of contradiction and sufficient reason.
Only through God's medication is interaction or knowledge of any sort possible ;
although the monads are isolated,they function and perceive according to God's preestablished harmony.
This is the best of all possible worlds,for God's goodness made him choose it from the infinite number of possible universes.

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