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Sunday, November 1, 2009

"A Treatise of Human Nature",Book I,by David Hume

All of our knowledge comes from impressions and ideas ;
the impressions are more forceful and lively than the ideas.
By the use of memory and imagination we preserve and arrange our ideas.
We have no abstract,general ideas but only ideas of particular things which can be considered collectively by the use of general terms.
Certainty comes from the intuitive recognition of the similarity or differences in ideas,or from the demonstrative process of connecting a series of intuitions
-as in arithmetic and algebra.
Our knowledge of causal relationships is simply the habit of expecting events of one kind to follow events of another kind with which they have been observed to be conjoined ;there are no necessary relationships between events.
We have good reason to be skeptical about all conclusions reached by the use of reason or on the basis of sense experience.

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