Considered from the ethical point of view,
courage in a man is a sign of his caring for something enough to decide and to act despite opposition ;
considered in terms of its effect on his being -ontologically-,
courage is the self-affirmation of one's being.
These points of view are united in the conception of courage as the self-affirmation of one's being in the presence of the threat of nonbeing ;
anxiety is the felt awareness of the threat of nonbeing,
and courage is the resolute opposition to the threat in such a manner that being is affirmed.
Three types of anxiety :
ontic,-the anxiety of fate and death,
moral,-the anxiety of guilt and condemnation-and
spiritual,-the anxiety of emptiness and meaninglessness-,
are present in all cultural ages,
but spiritual anxiety is predominant in the modern period.
Existential anxiety cannot be removed ;
it can be faced only by those who have the courage to be.
The courage to be involves the courage to participate,to be oneself,
and to unite the two by absolute faith in the God above God,
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