Philosophical questions are verbal in the sense that
they turn upon unconventional uses of language ;
but they are not merely verbal for,in virtue of their oddity,
in the process of justifying their use,
one's attention is called to matters obscured by conventional language.
Metaphysical paradoxes and platitudes function as penetrating suggestions as to how language might be used to reveal what is hidden by the actual use of language.
In philosophical analysis penumbral facts
-matters to which certain conversational sentences call attention-
are compared to non-penumbral facts
-matters to which the penumbral are presumably reducible-
in order to determine whether the switch from one kind of statement to another is advisable and illuminating.
The goal of philosophy is the clarification of the structure of facts.
Philosophers do not uncover new facts,
but they show us old facts in a new way.
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